

Mergers & Acquisitions

Müller-Stewens, Kunisch, & Binder (Eds.). 2016. Mergers & Acquisitions: Handbuch für Strategen, Analysten, Berater und Juristen, 2nd Ed. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel. [find it on Schäffer-Poeschel]

Müller-Stewens, Kunisch, & Binder (Eds.). 2010. Mergers & Acquisitions: Analysen, Trends und Best Practices, 1st Ed. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel. [find it on Amazon]

Demographic Change

Kunisch, Böhm, & Boppel (Eds.). 2011. From Grey to Silver – Managing the Demographic Change Successfully, Berlin: Springer. [find it on Springer]
With a foreword by the former Federal president of Germany Bundespräsident a.D. Prof. Dr. Roman Herzog.
More than xxx chapter downloads.

Strategic Leadership

Kunisch, Welling, & Schmitt (Eds.). 2010. Strategische Führung auf dem Prüfstand: Chancen und Herausforderungen in Zeiten des Wandels, Berlin: Springer. [find it on Springer]
More than xxx chapter downloads.